
December 1, 2006

Jesse has been home for a little over a week now. It is really great to have him here with us. We are truly greatful to our Lord. Jesse has been to outpatient therapy twice now and he likes the result of the aggresive therapy on his left knee...his ability to extend and to flex the knee are already improving. The therapy prescription note from his orthopaedic surgeon was not real clear to his occupational therapist about whether it was okay to start aggressive therapy on his left elbow though. Elks rehab is trying to clarify that with the surgeon. In the mean time the elbow therapy continues with little range of motion improvement. Jesse hopes to be able to switch to aggressive therapy on the elbow soon.

Jesse is fairly independent in the house here. The carpet does slow him down, but he manages to get where he wants to go. I (Jesse's dad) help him with his shower, but I actually do little more than monitor him. He can get onto the tub seat, pull the curtain, and do all of his own cleaning pretty well now. I am there just in case he needs help.

Jesse has had some times of sadness and discouragement this past week. It is hard for him to listen to guitar music that just eight weeks ago he could play and now he can't. It seems as though the gravity of what has happened in his life weighs on him at times. We try to encourage him to realize that God has let him live for some special, particular reason. We pray that our Lord will reveal Himself and His plans to Jesse as the days go by.

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