
November 19, 2006

Yesterday I (Jesse's dad) was able to take Jesse out for a drive. He had learned how to get into a car on his own using a sliding board from the wheel chair into the car. We had a nice time just driving around Boise while we talked. We are getting excited about Jesse coming home this Wednesday.
A friend of the family made a ramp from the entrance walkway up to our front door. That was a great blessing since I don't have wood working tools. Jesse continues to improve. He does get tired easily though. His brain is still working quite hard to remake connections that were lost in the accident and that energy takes its toll on Jesse. His therapist told him that he should expect to tire easily for quite some time. The time frame for most brain trauma patients to get their energy back is at least a year. Jesse's therapist thinks that because he is recovering more rapidly than most that time frame might be shortened somewhat. Tomorrow Jesse's mom and I go into the Idaho Elks Rehab for a few hours of training to prepare us for bringing him home.

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