
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The major news today is that Jesse's laptop computer and guitar have been recovered, and they are both in perfect condition. Some kind soul at the lot took the computer and guitar out of the car and put them in a safe place in the office. Unfortunately, they didn't let Ralph know about them when he drove out to retrieve Jesse's stuff about 10 days ago.

In related news, Jesse remembered and typed in his password at the computer's login screen!

Jesse is still continuing to recover. He seems to have a stage in the morning where he is a little confused and his memory is a bit foggy, but he has been mostly fine the rest of the day after his dad talks him through why he's there at the hospital and why he has braces on an arm and a leg.

To those of you who have visited or sent notes of kindness - thank you! Jesse and his family really appreciate it.

Thanks most of all for your prayers. Jesse is completely in God's hands, and we're praising God for Jesse's continuing recovery in answer to prayer. Please continue to pray:
  • That God will glorify himself fully through the rest of Jesse's life
  • For Jesse's recovery from all his injuries (brain injury, shattered elbow, broken femur, torn knee ligament, broken heel, and a laceration on his eyelid), as well as the rehab process
  • For strength and faith for his family, and that all of their needs would be provided for

And as I promised yesterday, here are more pictures. I haven't been able to get a picture of the car yet, but I'll post it as soon as I do.

Jesse and his family (left to right: Jesse, Hannah, Debbie, and Steve), July 3, 2006

Jesse and his family again

With his dad and sister

Jesse and cousins (Jesse is in the yellow)

Thoughtful moment

Jesse in a coma, probably one or two days after the accident. Here you can see the ventilator that kept him breathing, a neck brace, and a ventricular probe, which monitors pressure inside the skull and helps relieve it if necessary.

So do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (from Isaiah 41).

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